Terms of Converse Bank Payment Portal System Use

1. Description and possibilities of the System

1.1 Hereby “Converse Bank” closed joint stock company (registered by the RA Central Bank Board Resolution No. 5 dated 20 December 1993, registration No. 57, Certificate 0164, address: 26/1Vazgen Sargsyan street, Republic Square, Yerevan) (hereinafter – the Bank), provides the customer with a permission to participate in Converse Bank Payment Portal program (hereinafter – the System).

1.2 The System enables clients to make payments by their card for utility and telecommunication operator services, parking fees and parking penalties, as well as repay loans and/or replenish their AMD account/card. Along with expansion of the System the list of payments will enlarge. The clients will see all updates in the homepage of the System website.

2. Procedure of permit to participate in the System

2.1 Hereby, the Customer, before giving agreement to the terms of the System (hereinafter – the Terms), certifies that all information/personal details (hereinafter – Customer data) completed at the moment of registration and all re-registrations (if any) in the System (delivered to the Bank) are valid, correct and accurate.

2.2 Where the Customer agrees to all Terms specified in Chapter 4, the Customer data are transferred to the Bank.

2.3 The Bank creates a new User based on Customer data and sends the confirmation link to the e-mail of the latter. The Customer confirms its participation and the System allows access to use the System services.

2.4 The Bank affords the Customer an opportunity to make some payments specified in Clause 1.2 without registering a new user.

2.5 Online payments through the System are available only for cardholders of ArCa, VISA and MasterCard cards, issued by the banks-members of ArCa processing company.

3. Responsibilities of the Parties

3.1 The Customer shall take all the necessary and sufficient measures to ensure adequate and proper protection of data and information mentioned in Clause 2.3 of the Terms, as well as to prevent and exclude the access of third persons to the data.

3.2 The Customer must check the completed information, the amount of payment and the amount of fees before making online payment in the System and only after then effect the payment. Solely the Customer bears responsibility for any information filled in the System.

3.3 The Bank is not responsible for leakage of banking secret information of the Customer, if it happened due to the fault or negligence of the Customer.

3.4 The Bank is responsible for provision of services against payment based on the information completed by the customer, for the card/account replenishment and loan repayment on time. Moreover, utility payments, loan repayments, account/card replenishments made during non-working hours for the Bank (18.00-08.59 by Yerevan time /GMT+4/) and on non-working days (Saturday, Sunday, RA Holidays and Memorial Days) will be effected the next business day following the payment.

3.5 By assenting to these Terms, you agree that your data transferred to the Bank may become available to ArCa processing center, which is necessary for processing and clearing of payments made by you.

3.6 The Bank does not bear responsibility for any invalid, blocked or otherwise limited action by the card, or for suspension or rejection of any transaction made through the card account. Please, before effecting the operation make sure that:

a/ the term of your card has not expired,

b/ you have sufficient amount on the card account,

c/ the issuing bank has not put your card or card account under a ban, or somehow restricted their use,

d/ the card is with you.

Attention! Dear Customer, please note that the sum loaded onto your card/account will be first used for making scheduled payments/regular installments against your loan liabilities (fine, penalty, interest, principal) with Converse Bank CJSC, while the excess amount will be used for principal loan repayment.

4. Customer’s consent to the Terms

4.1 If you agree to the Terms make a corresponding note and click the "Register" button.